Days 4 and 5…

Well, it’s the morning of day 6 so I thought I should really update days 4 and 5 😛

They were pretty uneventful…went to the shops, played some Xbox and prepared myself and the flat for the excitement of today. I recently adopted a 5 year old Devon Rex called Puzzle and due to various circumstances we have not been able to get her to us until today.

Her current owners are bringing her to us this morning at some point…although once she gets here, I have to get ready for work 😦

Monday nights in the kitchen I work in normally consist of some prep work and feeding a lovely couple who come in and have a steak dinner and a bottle of red wine. So I get to go and cook, Roy gets to stay home with Puzzle.

Anyways, I suppose I should really get myself organised for the day ahead.

Days 2 and 3…

So much for daily updates eh?

In my defense though, I have had a busy 2 days. Yesterday was a sad day for lots as we said goodbye to my boyfriend Roy’s dad. He was so well loved, insanely popular and will be missed by all.

As a result of the past few days events, I have not even once reached for my phone for facebook etc, although Roy did show me a status he put up in appreciation of myself and everyone involved in yesterday – so I think given the circumstances, we let that one slide 🙂

If anyone actually reads anything here…did you watch the vid I posted? Pretty hard hitting when you think on it. Let me know what you think 🙂

The one thing I am missing about my online social life is getting to share photos with everyone, but at the same time I try and encourage myself to take the pictures anyways…just because they’re not online, does that really mean we can’t share them with our friends??

Short and sweet tonight, but I will try and get back tomorrow and get myself posting daily.

Day 1…

Hey! 🙂

My name is Steph and I have decided to go 100 days without any social media sites to see if what they say is true…Are we really missing out on life? Are we really the loneliest we’ve ever been?

Last night I disabled all my social media accounts and deleted all the apps from my phone to remove any temptation to reinstate them (my willpower is terrible, but we’ll see how I go). So last night I’m thinking – this is going to be really easy to do. This morning – not so much. I am a creature of habit, and the habit I am referring to is waking up every morning and scrolling through my Facebook, Instagram and most recently Snapchats before I get out of bed.

For 15 minutes this morning, I lay awake staring at the ceiling not having a clue what to do with myself!! Ridiculous. I know, but habits and routines become second nature to us and of course, I threw all of that out the window last night.

However a little bit of hope came when I remembered I had recently put an app called 2048 onto my phone (if you like Sudoku, I suggest you download it), and it kept me occupied, kept my interest away from things like what the world was doing for breakfast or on their morning commute.

So instead of not leaving myself enough time for breakfast (because I’m normally too busy reading about everyone elses), I have had some cereal and coffee to set me up for my busy, first social media free day.

I’ll also get a link up for a video that inspired me to try this out…